Nootropics - Top Supplements For Increasing Mental Performance

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[Music] let's talk about nootropics which are supplements for increasing your mental performance there's an entire sort of field of research where people online bio hacker types experiment with different kinds of stacks and different kinds of supplements to see what they can get out of their mental performance and they have had some amazing results and so have I and I want to share those with you in this episode I'm gonna share with you over 15 of my top nootropic supplements now a few warnings though before we get into the weeds because this is a little bit of technical topic this is not medical advice you have to be very careful here and you have to consider what your specific medical issues are what other kinds of medication you might be taking before you go in and just start eating a bunch of nootropics second warning is that you must use caution and you must do research into one each one of these substances for yourself don't just take my word for it don't just take someone else's word for it online you got to do the research you've got to understand what this chemical is doing that you're gonna be putting into your body also in this episode I'm going to be sharing perhaps various brands of supplements that I take this is not because I am getting paid there's no paid promotions here and I have no personal supplements to sell you I don't run a supplement company or a business and I don't have any affiliations with them alright so this is just me sort of sharing my own research and experimentation that I've done on myself and my own story is that I have suffered from a hypo active thyroid which means a lower thyroid chronic fatigue and brain fog and also I do very cognitively intensive work all of the sexualize network stuff it involves a lot of thinking a lot of integrating a lot of reading and putting stuff together and so this can be very taxing on the mind just three or four hours of doing that can be very taxing and so I started to notice just for myself the reason that I got into nootropics is I started to notice that my cognitive performance has felt like it was declining and that's just compared to how it was when I remember how I was in my early 20s or even in high school like I was really really sharp my intelligence was like super fluid super quick but of course so what are the factors here the factors are basically aging as you age and I'm now 33 and I'm getting older you gotta expect that your cognitive performance will decrease and also it's it's about how much do you tax yourself right is your work really cognitively intense most people work people's work is not so for me what I was really looking for and what I discovered is that I need lubrication for my brain think of it almost as though you're trying to run a v8 engine in a performance sports car but you're running it without oil without lubrication right maybe if you're running it at low speeds and you're not really expecting a lot of performance out of your car you can get away with it but if you're really gonna be pushing your mind to its limits then that's where the finding some good lubrication is gonna be essential and so that's sort of what I discovered starts taking some of these different supplements and I started to see that like man my mind my memory the way that I'm able to connect dots and piece things together like it just it works so much smoother when I'm taking these supplements now you might say Oh leo but you do psychedelics so could that be the reason for your cognitive decline no this is something that I've been noticing even before I started taking psychedelics and really you just you feel it right you start to experiment with this stuff and you feel that if you're really taxing your mind then you got to be giving your mind the right nutrients that it needs to grow new neural connections and you start to do some of the research into how neurons grow and there actually are supplements that will help your neurons grow that will help to repair brain damage that will help to give all the nutrients that you need to think and you can really feel it now this is not a cure for root causes so if you have some serious problems in your life you got to work on those and it's also very important they have a proper diet for example because if you have a terrible diet and you're not giving your brain the natural nutrients it needs then just adding a bunch of nootropics on top of it well that's gonna be like putting a bandaid on a on a broken leg so what are nootropics good for they're good for a lot of stuff they help to increase focus they help with chronic fatigue with ADHD with brain fog grogginess sleepiness monkey mind lack of motivation memory problems alertness mood anxiety depression Alzheimer's dementia and even brain injury some of these supplements can reverse brain injury for example if you know somebody who's had it maybe had a concussion or maybe they had a stroke maybe they're on the brink of dementia if you have some older parent or something like that these supplements can be very beneficial and there's a lot of anecdotal evidence that they helped really nootropics can give you your life back but this word can has an asterisk on it it doesn't necessarily mean that these substances will transform your whole life it really depends on where you are it really depends on how you've been using your mind what kind of diet you've had what kind of personal conditions genetic factors environmental factors how much toxicity how many heavy metals you have in your body all these sorts of factors come into play and if you're struggling with one of these issues that I listed above like chronic fatigue or problem focusing for example when you're trying to meditate maybe you're struggling with depression the sorts of stuff then nootropics even though I wouldn't rely on them to cure you for example of your depression you got to look for the root cause of your depression and that's probably going to go deeper than just your diet although that could play a role some people's dies are so terrible that that alone could be the cause of your depression of course there probably are some deep-seated psychological factors as well so you got to address those but what nootropics can do is they can give you that extra a bit of leverage that you need because the problem is is that when you're stuck in chronic fatigue crippling chronic fatigue or you have just racing monkey mine you're able to focus on anything you're not even able to start like a meditation practice for example or you're so depressed that you're not even able to do self-actualization work and look for the root cause of your depression right when you're really really stuck that's where nootropics can be like that extra leverage that you use that can get you some functionality back that then you can use and then you can have more energy and more be more empowered to then go work at those root causes which usually take months and years to fix see so these are like a catalyst a little extra boost that you get generally and this is something we haven't spoken much before about is that brain health is very important to self actualization because to self actualize and to do serious spiritual work your brain has to be functioning at its peak how else are you gonna meditate contemplate focus do the work be motivated if you're depressed and if you're struggling with laziness and you've got motivation problems how are you gonna self actualize right this is sort of just foundational you got to get this foundational piece of the puzzle solved now for many of you maybe this isn't a problem at all understand that nootropics they can take you from a dysfunctional level to a functional level but also if you're already at a functional level they can take you from a functional level to a like a new level of mental performance that you've never experienced before now it's important understand that there's a huge variety of different brain types and personality types and genetic factors that play into this and you have to assume that your brain which is the hardware and your mind which is the software that both of these are like two sides of a coin they both affect one another so how you use your mind how you use your brain what you feed your brain this plays into itself what kind of beliefs you have this this all comes together into this package and this this unit now functioning it's running your entire life and this is a unique thing no two people have the same brain in the same mind right so just keep that in mind as we're gonna be talking about this because this is where the experimentation comes in nootropics finding the right nootropics for you is all about experimenting it's not about just popping pills that I tell you to pop so without further ado let's get to the first number one nootropic on my list and this is a doozy this this one is huge this is the most important one for me and for many others who are into nootropics this is actually a prescription pharmaceutical and it's going to be the only one on this list of 15 Plus that I'm gonna give you that's gonna be an actual drug the others are all going to be supplements natural herbs that sorts of stuff so the first nootropic is modafinil otherwise known by its brand name provigil there's also a slight analogue or variant of it which is even stronger called our modafinil or by its brand name new Vigil this is an amazing an amazing pharmaceutical you pop this pill and what it does is it makes you super wakeful alert aware and calm and creative for the next 10 hours it almost puts you into a meditative state but the amazing thing about it is that it's not addictive and it's also not stimulating in the way that for example amphetamines are which are commonly used to treat 80 ADHD ritalin is that amphetamine and there's various other analogs and derivatives of it so this is not that this gives you a very smooth even keeled kind of ground to just wakefulness and just alertness and it gives you this great fluidity of thought where you can just think these long chains of thoughts and they're very smooth and you can like think through a problem very methodically it's just like very effortless it the best way to describe it is just like hyper wakefulness and like lubrication for your mind it's amazing and it also makes you hyper creative or you're able to connect many dots together it feels like all the different disparate parts of your brain starts to communicate with itself and that's why it's good for creativity because fundamentally creativity is about connecting dots connecting different ideas together in new novel ways so with this pill it's easier to do intellectual work it's easier to contemplate it's easier to meditate it's easier to do self inquiry it's easier to do consciousness work it improves your mood you feel great on it and the come-up is very smooth the the plateau or the peak lasts for a long time for about eight hours and then it comes down and the come off is also very smooth and even though in one sense it's it's a very strong sense of alertness but it's also kind of subtle kind of subtle especially when you start to take it on a regular basis some days you don't even know that it's there until you start stop taking it and then you realize oh my god there's this a big difference this drug was invented for narcoleptics people who fall asleep randomly throughout the day I can't stay awake in order to help them to stay awake and so it's it's a it's a drug that's in a class by itself it's not a psychedelic it's not an amphetamine it's just its own thing and current science doesn't really have a good understanding of how motor phenol works but hey as long as it works it works and what's great about it and the only reason I recommend it is because it's not addictive of course you can still probably develop a psychological addiction to it but it's not physically addictive and I've had no problem going on it for weeks and coming off of it for weeks and it's great like it's really no problem I don't find myself craving for it I can do my work on it or off it and it's really not a crutch for me so let me show you a graph here of the of the effects of motor phenol as you can see on this graph it takes about an hour or two to come into effect you start to feel it then the peak lasts for about six hours and then it drops off the last two hours a full pill of this motor phenol is really really powerful in fact it's so powerful that it becomes a little bit too stimulating for me I noticed my heart starts to beat a little bit faster almost as though I was like running so it's a little too stimulating as a full pill so what I do is I cut it into four parts and I just take one-fourth of it and that gives me just that little extra boost that I want throughout the day but without any of the race enos no heart palpitations or anything like that speaking of which let's talk about the side effects so it might sound like this pill is too good to be true like Leo what's the catch well honestly I haven't really found a catch it does seem like a pretty magic sort of pill now of course it's not going to solve all your life's problems but it's a it's pretty amazing what you can do on this stuff it's really really good for improving your cognitive performance especially if you have cognitively stressful or intensive work that you do the side effects though can include headache dizziness nausea upset stomach dry mouth runny nose insomnia increased heart rate heart palpitations and there's a very very very rare extremely low probability of a serious skin reaction which some people get so if you're gonna take this and you experience any kind of skin reaction then definitely don't take it again but I've never experienced that in fact I haven't experienced almost any of these side effects except for the increased heart rate I definitely experienced that if I take a full pill of it and sometimes I get a little bit of a runny nose when I take it if I take a large dose of it but other than that I haven't gotten any of the above so what you want to do to prevent building up tolerance is you want a cycle this mode of phenyl on and off so you can maybe take it for five days while you're working then on the weekend give yourself a few days off or maybe take it for two weeks and then take a week off something like that you know you don't want to be literally taking it every single day for a whole year because that will develop tolerance now is this a safe substance to take can you take it for a whole year and not suffer any kind of bodily harm or damage well millions of people have have been prescribed modafinil and have taken it it's been used now for a few decades it's a pretty popular pharmaceutical and there doesn't seem to be any clinical evidence of any serious long-term health problems or damage i I think the biggest concern would be maybe your liver or your kidneys probably your liver but I've read cases of people taking this stuff for five or ten years and not suffering any issues now of course I wouldn't recommend that you take it for five or ten years straight if you're taking it on and off and you have a healthy diet and you also get blood work done every year then you can monitor your stats and I think you're gonna be safe but of course I'm me and you're you so you gotta you gotta you know you gotta take into account whatever health issues you might have there which might be complicating factors now what's the difference between modafinil and our modafinil our modafinil is actually a newer version a newer variant it's an analogue and it's more potent I actually found it to be significantly more potent the wakefulness that I get on modafinil is it's pretty nice but when I take an hour mode of phenol it's like damn it almost is starting to get into like a a micro dose of psychedelic territory of course it doesn't have really like any visual hallucinations or anything like this but just like that wakefulness and that consciousness you get it really reminds me of a mild mild dough of mushrooms or LSD like it's it's really powerful in fact I took 1/4 of it and it was so powerful that I'm like damn I definitely I'm not going to be using this even 1/4 of it on a daily basis because it's like it's really powerful our motive phenol lasts several hours longer than mode a phenol and actually it has interesting Li enough fewer side effects people report and it also has a slightly different matrix of side effects it's the same kind of side effects I listed above but certain one of these variants has more of like lists of headaches the other one has more busyness or nos or something so you don't have to experiment see for me personally the only side effect that I noticed on our modafinil compared to modafinil is that on our motive phenol when I take it during that one hour come up where it's starting to kick in I get a little bit of a sniffly nose but then again I usually have a sniffly nose anyways pretty often and and then it goes away after it comes up and man SF is strong so how does motive phenol compared to psychedelics mushrooms LSD five Meo DMT and so forth you don't get any visual hallucinations that's for sure I would say it's less than 1% as potent so if you done psychedelic so you can easily handle motive phenol or our motive phenol and what you find on psychedelics is that it's impossible to accomplish any work on psychedelics they're really hard at least for me that's what I found even micro dosing LSD I found that I couldn't actually work doing that I thought maybe it would work but it's not effective however on modafinil our motor phenol you're in a state of mind we're actually you're hyper productive you're able to accomplish way more work than you would normally and certainly you're far more effective than you would be on psychedelics so that's an interesting difference now what's really interesting if you've wondered you know I talked a lot about 5 Meo and the amazing lucidity of 5 Meo and the amazing conscious expanding potential of 5 Meo and how 5 Meo different from mushrooms and LSD and everything else in terms of psychedelic well if you want to know what five Meo is like pop one pill of our motive phenol and then you'll see that and then multiply that by a million and you'll see five mal you'll get it you get a little bit of an idea of what five Meo does at a breakthrough dose five amiyo is just like pure pure pure consciousness it's so much consciousness that when you take a significant dose of it literally all of reality disappears in the light of your own consciousness because you become infinitely conscious so conscious that you become conscious that you weren't even born that's how conscious you are it's ridiculous just [ __ ] God levels of consciousness now our motive phenol is a lot more tamer than that you're not going to get anything like that but and here's where motive phenol and our motive phenol can be effective I think for us as self actualize errs and for us who are into spiritual work is that if you've been a person who's been meditating hard for a couple of years but you're struggling you've been self inquiring and you've been struggling sometimes people ask me leo I don't get it what's the point of spirituality what's the point of meditation what's the point of yoga what's the point of psychedelics you know and they don't really want to try a psychedelic because they don't understand yet what consciousness is what expansion of consciousness that they've never experienced it so for these people what I recommend is take one arm modafinil and you will have your answer rather than having me explain to you why expanding of consciousness is so important and why I talk about consciousness non-stop in all my videos take an automotive phenol and you will see what it means to have a meditative state of consciousness for 10 hours straight it's amazing when you experience that that gives you a little taste of what's possible with psychedelics it gives you a little taste of what's possible with yoga a little taste of what's possible with self inquiry with meditation retreats with the pasta and all this other stuff we're talking about and and you see Oh consciousness yes that's exactly what I'm missing in my life is more consciousness yeah of course the mistake would be to think that you will get consciousness from motor phenol every single day that would be a mistake rather again the way you want to use this is you want to use this as a lever for example because you know it can be difficult to start a meditation practice it can be difficult to motivate yourself you know why are you doing this because for the first few years that you're doing it you're not going to see those amazing benefits some people will but many people won't because meditation is difficult I struggled with it a lot myself so you need something that can kind of get you in there and when we're talking about personal development you know don't get too don't get too pedantic about it don't get too academic and philosophical what needs to happen is that you need to bootstrap yourself this is a scrappy sort of process you know whatever works as long as it doesn't hurt you in the long run whatever whatever works you try to use it if you get a little leg up use it of course don't turn it into a crutch now let's talk about sourcing and pricing of motor phenol and our motor phenol so of course this is a pharmaceutical and it requires a prescription in the United States now I talked to a wide audience of people all around the world so I don't know what your situation is in your country you'd have to check search online for what the what the status is of this drug in your country you might not need a prescription in certain countries so there's a the two brand names provigil and new vigil in the US these pills cost a lot one pill of provigil 200 milligrams cost fifty dollars a pill per pill if you get the generic version which is available in the US then it'll cost you half that twenty-five dollars a pill still quite expensive if you go with new vigil it's cheaper and it's stronger so that's interesting how that works a hundred and fifty milligrams of new vigil in the US will cost you twenty five dollars per pill that's the brand name and the generic I couldn't find a price for I'm not even sure if there generic I think there is a generic for new vigil but I don't know what the price is so obviously it'll be less than 25 maybe 15 bucks maybe 10 bucks I don't know of course you got to check with your insurance to see if it covers you it may it may not even with insurance it could still be pretty pricey now there's another option which is that it is possible to obtain this from online retailers for example from India I believe in India these substances don't require prescription now of course if you're living in the US there's sort of a gray area legal issues whatever you're technically supposed to have a prescription but again I'm speaking to a worldwide audience here so keep that in mind so definitely you can you can try to find an Indian source for these motor feetoes and in fact there's two Indian brand names which are really good one called mode alert which is the Indian brand name for motor phenol it's made by Sun Pharma and I'll show you a picture of it here so you can see what that looks like and there's a similarly the version for our motor phenol which is called art vigil that's the Indian brand name for our motor phenol and it's made by hab Pharma and here you'll see a picture of what that looks like they come in nice packages tin foil and plastic and all of that and here's the here's a really good part about the the Indian pills is that they're really cheap modafinil will cost you one dollar and fifty cents for one pill and our motive phenol the Indian version will cost you also one dollar and fifty cents per pill and if you buy large quantities like 300 pills at a time then you can get it as cheap as one dollar per pill so compare one dollar with fifty dollars or twenty-five dollars and you can see the huge difference now is it worth paying one dollar per pill for these for these drugs absolutely absolutely is it worth paying $25 or $50 if you have cognitively demanding work like if you're an artist a musician designer and architect and engineer and inventor something creative like that a writer it's even worth paying 20 or 25 bucks I mean 25 or 50 bucks per pill I think but of course that's going to depend on your budget and all of that now you're probably wondering well Leo how do we know that these Indian pills aren't dangerous and aren't filled with all sorts of toxins and all this well from what I can tell you is that these two brand names that I've described are really really high quality I haven't seen any kind of problems with them they're amazingly high quality I think they're as high quality as the u.s. brand names so take that for what it's worth of course there's always a little bit of risk there's always some risk with something with psychedelics there's always some risk with supplements there's always some risks with pharmaceuticals this is just how this stuff goes right even if you take the brand name US version there's still some risk that you might have one of these side effects or something like that you know so you're always take a little bit of risk but then again all of life is about taking a little bit of risk here and there so it's not about you trying to eliminate all risk it's really just about taking reasonable risks and so these substances here I think are totally reasonable especially when you take it you don't want to pop the entire pill right off the bat what you do is you take a little corner of it cut it into fourths or even smaller take a little bit of it and just test it and see how your body deals with it do you have any allergic reactions anything like that this is a smart way to go about it alright so that is modafinil it's an amazing substance I can't tell you what to do but for me man it's it's great and if you're interested in the kind of stuff that I'm interested in then I recommend checking you out you can go to your doctor you could tell your doctor that you're suffering for some chronic fatigue if you want to get prescription chronic fatigue or you're having difficulty concentrating you have HD ADHD symptoms depression mood problems this sort of stuff and your doctor should be able to write you a prescription okay now let's get to the the natural and non prescription supplements so first what I have for you is lion's mane mushrooms now no these are not psychedelic mushrooms there's just regular mushrooms lion's mane you could take up to 500 milligrams of this it's a traditional Chinese herb that was used in Chinese medicine for a long time here are the effects that it offers it significantly increases neurogenesis and helps with brain cell regeneration it improves memory and cognition improves focus and alertness clears up brain fog reduces depression and anxiety so if you're suffering with any of those you might want to give this one a shot it's a natural it's just mushrooms you shouldn't have any sorts of serious reactions to it or any kind of complications or health issues the next supplement is called l-theanine and you can take it in the dose of 200 to 400 milligrams this is a non dietary amino acid found in green tea so it's also rather I would consider a sort of a natural supplement this is a pretty powerful and foundational nootropic and a lot of people in the tropics community say that this is one of the ones that gave them the biggest boost so what it does is it's a relaxant it reduces blood pressure and heart rate it promotes alpha and theta brainwaves which is exactly what you need in order to meditate so usually if you're stuck in ADHD or you're stuck in monkey mind you're in the beta brainwave frequency territory so your your brain waves are pretty quick and what this l-theanine will do is will slow you down and move you into alpha and theta which is perfect for the kind of work that we want to do it also increases focus and awareness and it does this without any kind of racing as it actually relaxes you so unlike coffee which gives you jitters or some sort of amphetamine like Ritalin which can also do that this has the opposite effect which is exactly what you want because that's the point of meditation point of meditation is to be simultaneously focused and aware but also totally relaxed it serves a neuroprotection protective function it increases nerve growth factor which helps your neurons grow if you're trying to learn memorize stuff that's what you need it boosts your mood and it improves cognition it also increases neurotransmitters gaba dopamine and serotonin it reduces stress it improves memory and it improves sleep without making you drowsy which is a pretty awesome list of effects so try that out and see if that works for you a lot of people report that they get good stuff on it the next supplement is called huperzine a and you can take it from 50 micrograms to 200 micrograms this is an alkaloid from Chinese club moss which is also another traditional Chinese medicine the effects of huperzine a are a boost in short-term memory improvement in long-term brain health it improves cognition supports brain cell mitochondria mitochondria are the energy centers in your cells which power your entire body so it gives you energy it serves as a brain antioxidant and increases nerve growth factor as well with huperzine a it also has an effect on the vividness of your dreams some people take this supplement for example if they're trying to loose a dream or they want to do some kind of personal development work through their dreaming like dream work then you can experiment with that supplement there and for that purpose you would want to take it right before bedtime whereas if you want it just for the sort of cognitive enhancement effects then you would take it in the morning rather than at nighttime the next supplement is called alpha GPC you can take this in the 400 milligram to one hundred and one thousand two hundred milligram range this is a choline source a more bioavailable version of choline and choline is something that's important or your nootropic stack because it synergizes with the other nootropics that you're taking it sort of gives your brain like the raw fuel that it needs to do its work so this alpha GPC can improve memory it can improve mood and boost dopamine it boosts mental energy it improves cognitive performance and increases nerve growth factor the next supplement is Tarot stilbene 50 milligrams this is a polyphenol antioxidant found in blueberries and grapes it's a very potent antioxidant the effects are it increases neurogenesis increases neuroplasticity it's a neuro protectant which means that it supports brain health it improves cognition learning and memory it improves mood and boosts dopamine it referred reverses the effects of aging and it reduces anxiety the next supplement is 5 - HTP taken at 200 milligrams this is a naturally produced amino acid in your body and it's a precursor to serotonin the effects are that it can improve anxiety and depression and reduce stress but there is a warning that comes with this supplement which is that you can't take it if you're on any kind of antidepressant medication so be very careful about mixing antidepressants and other kinds of mind-altering medications with these supplements definitely do your research and ask your doctor the next supplement is really interesting it's called soul Butte I mean Soul Butte I mean taken in the 200 to 400 milligram range this is a synthetic derivative of the vitamin b1 the effects are it increases attention span increases focus lifts brain fog boosts motivation improve sociability and gives you a better vocab Larry improves mood reduces chronic fatigue but it tends to develop a quick tolerance so with this one you want to cycle it on enough either take it every other day or maybe take it for two or three days and then don't take it for two or three days and then kind of shift it back and forth like that there's a very powerful stack that people have found of three nootropics you combine so butylene with alpha GPC and you're a Dean you're a Dean I'm going to cover in a minute here we're gonna get to it so you take all those three together and there's an extra synergistic effect I definitely notice so butylene and it's pretty damn powerful the next supplement is called vinpocetine and you take it at ten milligrams and you can take it several times per day this is an alkaloid derived from the lesser periwinkle plant the effects are it improves blood flow to the brain improves cognition alertness concentration and mood improves memory reduces brain fog and mental fatigue its neuro protected it boosts neuroplasticity repairs damage done by stroke which is pretty amazing and it's anti-inflammatory so let me let me just mention here as a little tangent these effects that I'm listing for you where do they come from did I just make this up is this something that's I got from the back of the bottle of these supplements no there's actually quite a lot of studies and research that have been done on all of the supplements that I'm talking about you can go look through the research you can find various kinds of studies and so when I'm mentioning these various effects positive effects that these supplements have this is what the research is finding I like for example when I say that it repairs damage done by stroke they actually give this the pasa teen to stroke victims and they see improvements relative to placebo and same goes for all the other stuff that I've been talking about and then I we'll be talking about right now of course the science is still very new there's always new research coming out some of the stuff that I that I might be mentioning here might be outdated five or ten years from now you know science is always moving forward and that's fine but the clinical evidence shows the things that I'm mentioning but also it seems like there's a lot of anecdotal evidence from people who take these substances and share their their stories online writing testimonials and reviews and stuff like that now some people say olio but how can you trust testimonials and reviews after all they're they're fake or they're just anecdotal you can't trust anecdotal you misunderstand anecdotal anecdotal evidence is actually some of the most important and reliable evidence now of course a lot of people can make [ __ ] up but that doesn't diminish the validity of anecdotal evidence in fact I hold anecdotal evidence when it comes to substances psychedelics pharmaceuticals in much higher regard than I do for example double-blind placebo-controlled laboratory studies why because you would be foolish not to because by definition these highly clinical technical studies they're very expensive they're very limited they're very narrow in their scope and science is very conservative that means that a lot of the benefits and stuff that these substances can do science is it admitting yet why because it's got a strong filter you see that's sort of the upside of science as it has a strong filter but also the downside of science is that it has a strong filter which is why we need more people for example taking psychedelics and taking various kinds of nootropics and then as objectively as possible describing all the effects that they're experiencing and that's how you really know that something works for you you test it yourself you don't go to some scientist to tell you because see the problem with these clinical studies is what they do is they work with averages scientists are not interested for example in helping you to increase your performance or to attain enlightenment or to become extra meditative or anything like that all there really interested for the most part is helping dysfunctional people getting to a functional normal level that's mostly what their studies are designed to show so for example they'll take some stroke victims and give them some the pomposity nor whatever and then maybe they'll see some improvement and they'll say okay good is so it helps with that okay that's great but that tells me nothing about how this can help me with my meditation practice with consciousness work with enlightened with self-actualization with other stuff like that with lucid dreaming you know there's all these different factors and it's gonna take science maybe 200 years to research all that [ __ ] I'll be dead by then and so will you and also look the way that these studies work is that they take large averages so for example they might give this pill to a sample of a thousand people now out of those thousand it will help a hundred people a lot and the other nine hundred people it will have no effect on but what these scientists will do is they will just average that out so if you take this as a ratio you know one out of ten that's not a very good ratio and so they'll say this is not a very effective substance but this is a completely irrelevant when what you are looking for as you're looking for a substance is gonna help you with your particular issue see so because we have so much variety in our personality types and our brain types and our mind types and our genetics and all of that you shouldn't expect any one substance to work the same across a thousand people and it doesn't matter to me if a substance works on 99% of people or only 1% of people so long as I'm in that 1% but generally scientists don't really care much about this because they're looking at very broad averages which is not what we care about what we care about is that if I have chronic fatigue or if I have brain fog or if I have trouble concentrating or if I have some sort of issue depression or whatever I care about finding any kind of solution that I can that will help me with my issue that means you got to test it yourself alright let's move on the next supplement is called n alt all capital null t' which stands for we're n-acetyl LT Racine you take it in the 300 to 500 milligram range this is a highly bioavailable form of the amino acid l-tyrosine its effects are that it will improve cognition improve memory improves mental stress boosts mood boosts neurotransmitters and it's especially good for ADHD and it's commonly paired by people who have ADHD with their ADHD medication Ritalin or whatever else they're taking and it seems to have a certain synergistic effects but of course you want to research that and check with your doctor to make sure you don't get into trouble it has a tolerance so this one you want to cycle as well the next supplement is called phosphatidyl serine taken at 300 milligrams this is a naturally occurring phospholipid in the brain cell membrane so your brain cells neurons that's mostly what your brain is made of you know it's man enough fat phospholipids which create the membranes and there's myelin sheets going around all the neurons in your brain and actually when you get when you develop new skills and you learn new things what's happening physically inside your brain is that extra myelination extra layers of fat are being grown around every neural connection that strengthens that connection and that's how you build new skills new habits and so forth right so if you're trying to change the way that your mind works which is basically what we're doing actual eyes not org then you want supplements that will help you with with improving your phospholipids so the effects of this hospital Starion is it improves brain health it promotes growth of neurons it improves cognitive performance improves memory improves focus reduces ADHD and it decreases beta brainwaves one of the few supplements that has been discovered to do that in clinical studies that's pretty cool brain waves again is the monkey mind the next supplement is a natural herb called bacopa Maneri I take it in the 200 to 400 milligram range at 45% back asides now what is these 45% back asides this is like the active ingredient or alkaloid I assume that they extract and so you can find the bacopa supplements at various percentages of back asides 45% a high percent you might find 10 percent or 25 percent so if the if the percentage is lower you guys have to take a bigger dose is what I mean now this bacopa is a traditional indian adaptogen herb that's been used for a long time in southern India and actually there it's called Brahmi brahmi as in Brahman the absolute as in Brahman the Brahman class the the Indian the highest Indian class caste system which are supposed to be the gurus and the Yogi's and the ones who study the scriptures in the sutras so they call it Brahmi so that tells you something right they're actually various Indian gurus and Yogi's have been taking this herb to help them with improving their memory so that they can memorize very long mantras and various kinds of chance which tend to be very complicated and contorted and arcane so this this herb helped them with that which is why they called it Brahmi and then of course by doing these chants by memorizing them and doing them they then attain enlightenment and various altered states of consciousness which is why they call it Brahmi so the effects are it's described as a natural at all it reduces ADHD it improves cognitive performance improves learning memory and focus and it reduces anxiety but what's interesting about it is that it has sort of a short-term effect in a long-term effect the short-term effect if you start to take it it kicks in immediately and this reduces anxiety the long-term effect of taking bacopa if you take it for four to six weeks every single day that's when you get the memory improvement effects and those effects tend to last for a long time so if you take it for six weeks then you stop those effects of improved memory should last know how long but for uh for longer than just one day probably four weeks maybe four months so if you're having memory issues and you might want to consider this you'll have to experiment I haven't taken it for that long to see if it really does improve memory you'll have to experiment that yourself because personally for me memory is not really the reason that I take these substances I take it mostly for the immediate enhancement in my alertness in my awareness and in my focus ability not for the member my memory is pretty good also you have to take into account that your age plays an important part here for some of you who are young in your early 20s early 30s you might take some of these supplements and they might not really do much for you and you might think oh they're just a waste of money and nothing happened well that's because you still have a very young and well-functioning brain but those of you who are in your 50s and 60s and 70s well you're gonna probably start to experience some decline in your mental performance as all of us will as we get older and so there's where you can see a much more pronounced effect so some of these supplements will be greater for older folks but still you know if you're young try it out anyways because you don't know with these substances you just don't know until you try it no amount of research no amount of thinking about it will answer the question for you you can only find out by taking it the next supplement is called knack NAC all capitalized which stands for n asset ll cysteine you can take 600 milligrams of it up to three times per day this is a naturally occurring amino acid and it regulates dopamine it's a precursor to glutathione which is an important substance for your immune system in fact I love taking nak whenever I'm feeling a cold or a flu coming on and it helps me to deal with that it's sort of like an antioxidant and it it helps with increasing the immune system and ever since I've been taking it plus several other supplements which I'm not talking about here which because they're not nootropics but I take them I found this sort of combination that I take whenever I have a cold coming on and it wipes out the cold within a matter of hours and for the last few years I've never really gotten a serious cold or a flu anymore whereas in the past I had I was very very susceptible to colds and flus when I was younger in fact not that long ago I had a really terrible experience with the flu I got a flu this was about five years ago when I was still in Dallas when I lived in Dallas and I got such a high fever that I went to the bathroom to take a piss and I was standing there pissing and I started to feel like super super dizzy so dizzy that I actually lost consciousness as I was standing and it happened so quickly that I hit my forehead on the counter there's like a counter over my toilet I hit my forehead against that there's a little scar here still huh my skull from that and then I just blacked out I don't know for how long until I remember I just woke up like coming back to life it was a really eerie experience unlike anything I've ever experienced my life it was the only time of my life that I fainted I came back and what happened was I wasn't near the toilet in the bathroom the bathroom was like a sort of a long room like this the toilet was a lot on one side the bathtub was on the other side I found myself lying like this over the edge of the bathtub with my back and my spine arched over the tub like this my feet here towards the toilet in my head inside the bathtub the bathtub was empty there's no water and I and I'm shocked I didn't break my back like I didn't know what happened or how I got there like I have no memory of of how I ended up in that position or how long I lay there might have been four hours I have no idea but it was like the most eerie sensation of coming back to life it was almost like my mind brain we're just like rebooting itself and giving me like a second chance at life that's sort of like what it felt like it was very odd I felt like I was the Terminator in two in Terminator 2 coming back online after he got his like spine destroyed and then he came back online rebooted itself with a second CPU sort of thing it felt like that very very freaky and scary experience yeah so flus are no joke so this knack has the effect of being a neuro protectant relieving depression improving overall brain health improves cognitive performance it repairs brain injury and reduces flu-like symptoms which is what I was just talking about the next substance is called pqq and this is a tongue twister pqq stands for pyro Lok we know lean Queen own try saying that ten times fast pyro Lok we lone Queen own it's terrible you take it in the 20 milligram range this is a very potent antioxidant its effects are that promotes growth of new mitochondria it's one of the only supplements that has been found to promote the growth of new mitochondria which gives you energy increases nerve growth factor its neuro protecting repairs damage caused by stroke helps grow new neurons improves memory and improves cognition and sidon synergizes very well with Co Q 10 which we'll be talking about next but it can take up to a month to kick in so if you start taking it you got to keep taking it for a whole month but if you do you might see some significant improvements the next supplement is Co Q 10 coenzyme q10 you can take it in the 300 to 400 milligram range and it provides energy for mitochondria and it's a potent antioxidant it's especially effective for older folks it might not be worth taking if you're younger if you're in your 20s and 30s but for older people this is great it the effects of it are that it protects brain cells boosts brain energy reduces too rushon reduces fatigue increases mental clarity and it has various anti-aging and positive effects on your cardiac system a lot of people take it I think when they have a blood pressure issues and heart issues as they get older the next supplement is uridine taken in the 150 to 300 milligram range uridine is one of the four base pairs found in DNA and is produced naturally in your body the effects of this supplement are it boosts the release of dopamine and improves mood it's got anti depressant effects when paired with fish oil it boosts cognition its neuro protecting and it improves memory uridine is good to stack with alpha GPC fish oil and soul butylene the next supplement is a classic gingko biloba you can take it in the 120 milligrams ange a gingko biloba is a Chinese tree this is a traditional Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years the effects are that it increases blood circulation in the brain which is very good improves memory cognition learning and alertness it's got neuro protect protect and functions it boosts mood reduces stress and helps repair brain cells gingko biloba usually requires several weeks of continued use before you start to see the effects and then the last two supplements I'll give you I wouldn't really call them nootropics per se but they can help which is fish or krill oil take it in the 500 2,000 milligram range and vitamin d3 taken in the 3,000 to 10,000 IU range vitamin d3 is especially important a lot of people these days have vitamin d3 deficiencies that they don't even know about make sure you go to your doctor ask for a vitamin D test it only costs 50 $100 you can get this blood work done and they will tell you your vitamin B level this is important for your immune system and also for the functioning of of everything in your body and your overall health and vitamin d3 it's not enough to just be on the low end of the range there's like a recommended range chances are that even if you have a sufficient amount of d3 you're still on the low end of the range you want to push that higher to get yourself sort of in the middle of the range which is what's optimal remember we're not just interested in becoming functional we're interested in becoming optimal right so that's it that's a different kind of goal most doctors if you go to a doctor for advice they only give you advice for dysfunctions to get you to normal but normal ain't great normal is just like pretty mediocre you want to get to optimal so take that into account now with vitamin d3 you usually have a ticket for a long time three six twelve months sometimes especially if you're very deficient you have to take it every single day for that long so that it builds up in your body especially if you live up north and you don't spend a lot of time out in the Sun then you're likely to have vitamin D deficiency so make sure you check that out now all these supplements that I listed not only is there various kinds of clinical research you can find on it but there are hundreds and hundreds of five-star Amazon reviews about these substances now again you might say ah believe but the reviews are fake and they're all paid for and how can you really trust other people online and all the sort of stuff look just go go search for these substances look and read the reviews some of these reviews are amazing they're very genuine they people write their whole life stories and how these substance have transformed their lives of course some of them are fake some of them are paid for but I still think that a large majority of them are still genuine and people give really high praise to all these various supplements that I mentioned above now that doesn't mean in and of itself that this is gonna work for you exactly like it did for all those people because people are different but at least what this shows you is that this stuff has been field-tested by thousands and millions of people and with with some great results now I take these nootropics in the morning with a banana you definitely don't to take them on an empty stomach because they'll make you nauseous but with one banana it's fine do I take them all sometimes I do like pop 20 pills sometimes not always I can go weeks without popping anything but then sometimes I'll take 20 of them or of course you know I build up to it I don't just start taking 20 right off the bat I experiment individually then I combine to make a stack so forth and then sometimes I'll only take five or ten so I'm still always experimenting with this stuff Mike's parent a she's not complete I also will take motor phenol in our motor phenol early in the day with my banana in the morning because if you take it too late in the day in the afternoon it can be difficult to sleep so keep that mind but you know I'm actually able to nap I'm a good nap or I'm a good sleeper I'm able to nap even on motor phenol at least 1/4 of what I can do 1/4 of motor phenol a few hours later I could take a nap I'll wake up it'll still be there the effect will still be there and then I'll just get to work or do whatever I need to do what's really amazing is when you combine meditation plus Kriya yoga plus self-inquiry plus some of these nootropics all together and you create this amazing stack man you can feel really good you can feel amazing in this of course it's not about pleasure we're not doing this so that we have some raw heroin like rush of pleasure it's just about like you become hyper alert and conscious and that in and of itself is the greatest pleasure I recommend that you try to buy the highest quality brands organic don't be cheap with your supplements especially if you're going to be taking them for years at a time you want to make sure that they're pure and that there's no weird additives in there and they're not cutting corners and sourcing the the chemicals from the cheapest places here are some substances to avoid I recommend you avoid addre phenyl this is yet a third analog of motor phenol as if this wasn't complicated enough called addre phenol you can buy this stuff I believe without a prescription online in the US but the problem with it is that it heavily taxes your liver and so it's not healthy to take regularly so I would avoid it if you want to try modafinil or our modafinil that's fine but don't do a Hydra phenol the next thing I would avoid is rasa Tam's rasa Tam's is a whole class of various substances like aniracetam P racetam and others they're pretty potent they're one of the most potent nootropics out there I didn't really mention them though because I don't recommend them because I've tried it myself and what I feel is a very kind of stimulating effect it doesn't feel healthy it feels a little bit dirty I get heart palpitations I get weird dreams on these rasa Tam's and it just it doesn't feel like it's a sustainable thing that you want to take go with the more healthy options especially when you have access to mode of phenol why would you need to mess with rasa Temps doesn't make sense I would also avoid antidepressants a lot of people take antidepressants and he depressants caused a lot of damage collectively thousands of people every year die or commit suicide from antidepressants they're extremely addictive once you start start them it's very difficult to get off them you have to slowly wean yourself off that can be challenging they present all sorts of weird side effects erectile dysfunction lowering your sexual mood and all sorts of other weird stuff you like you just don't want to deal with this stuff I would recommend that if you feel depressed before you go to antidepressants go through an experiment with all these other supplements and modafinil and see how that works for you and if that still doesn't help you with your depression then then maybe as a last resort turn to antidepressants and if you're already on into depressants be very careful you can't just cut them off cold turkey you have to wean yourself off so talk to your doctor about how to do that and ultimately if you're on antidepressants your long-term goal should be to wean yourself off of antidepressants because what are you you're gonna be on them your whole life you're gonna be suffering from all these side effects so you need to you need to address the root issue and heat depressants never almost never address the root issue chances are your depression has to do with various kinds of trauma that you've experienced and various psychological factors and not just purely a chemical issue although you know people vary so if you need antidepressants by all means take them just be very mindful that you probably don't need them and there's probably better solutions out there but that you haven't really tried them yet so I encourage you to experiment I also recommend that you avoid stimulants and amphetamines adderall ritalin and his sort of stuff just too many complicating factors with them it doesn't doesn't seem sustainable to me I recommend you avoid caffeine it builds up tolerance pretty quickly anyways and it becomes a crutch and I recommend that you avoid weed now some of you can get away with using weed once in a while for spiritual purposes if you can great the problem with weed is that it tends to be addictive for many people it becomes this chronic thing that they do a sort of escape they're not really using it to grow themselves they're just using it to get lazy and they're not really using it for spirituality if you want to use a substance for spiritual purposes there are much better substances than wheat that don't have addictive potential so I would avoid that would now I never ever recommend habit-forming substances if you're trying to sort of reconcile in your mind and you're thinking maybe Willie oh you're being a hypocrite because here you are for psychedelics and crazy stuff like v and mio DMT but then when it comes to weed or to caffeine or to antidepressants or something you're against it so what would what's what's this all about well it's very simple psychedelics are not have it for me that's it that's a super important factor super important in fact before I experimented with psychedelics a few years ago I really hadn't done any drugs at all in my whole life and I was very much against them anti-drug because that's sort of what I was programmed with in school and in school they sort of brainwash us to believe that all drugs are addictive and bad like heroin and crack and meth so when I discovered though that psychedelics are not addictive at first I didn't believe it but then I read a little bit further and I realized oh yeah this is true and then I actually tried and I realized oh yeah of course it's true it's not addictive at all then that completely changed my understanding of psychedelics see if they were addictive I wouldn't do them that's a super important point for example ketamine is a dissociative / psychedelic which does have an addictive habit forming potential and it can also damage certain organs in your body and so I have no interest in taking ketamine for example even though it has some powerful psychedelic effects and people report various kinds of k whole enlightenment experiences all sorts of crazy [ __ ] on it you know you'd be interesting to try that but it just doesn't seem like it's worth the risk when I've got all these other options like LSD or mushrooms or DMT or something like that or even motor phenol so just keep that in mind mmm which is also why I don't recommend alcohol because it's also habit for me be careful taking supplements with medication be careful taking supplements with psychedelics if I'm gonna be taking a psychedelic I'm not gonna be taking my whole stack of 20 [ __ ] pills in the morning because I don't know what that's gonna do to my trip gotta be very careful if you're gonna be combining nootropics with psychedelics at the very least you got to do it one at a time like you take one nootropic and once I can Ella come on and together see what happens is that safe okay maybe it is then add a second one try that add a third one try that still yeah I mean you got to be careful in you are taking potential risks there it's when you start to mix substances that stuff can get wacky because substance is gonna have weird synergistic effects you can have one plus one add together and it doesn't equal two it equals eleven so you got to be careful you know if you take some LSD and then you combine it with some supplement that like increases the blood flow to your brain I don't know what that'll do that might triple the intensity of your trip and that would probably get you into some hairy trouble so be careful you must test your nootropic stack gradually build it up don't just take 20 pills at a time remember that different things work for different people don't blindly copy others just because someone has some stack that they came up with that works for them doesn't mean that's gonna work for you I recommend that you only go into nootropics if you're willing to do the research and to experiment that's fundamentally what this is about and that's part of the interest in the appeal of all this and this is really the foundational principle of actualized orgas self experimentation not in a dangerous way in a responsible wise way by first doing research figuring out whether this really might work for you and then only then testing it out and testing it out in small doses and then increasing your doses all right that's the essence of experimentation and this is really no different than how it was done five or ten thousand years ago by ancient medicine men who still lived today in the in the rain forest riho you know how they would test various herbs and poisonous plants and stuff they would take a leaf off of it a little leaf they wouldn't just start to consume the plant or just eat a bunch of berries that they found in the wild they would take a little leaf or a little piece of the berry and they would rub it on the inside of their lip for example or they would scratch their skin here a little bit until they got a little bit of redness and then they would rub the leaf and the juice of the leaf into that little open spot it'll scratch on their arm and then they would see does that cause inflammation is to cause irritations to turn red and swollen if it does and that means that's a dangerous substance take it see so you gotta test this stuff got to be intelligent about it there are lots of nootropic forums online communities of people who come together into a sort of hive mind and talk about their various experiences you can go to those forums and figure out what kind of stacks people have and find other kinds of nootropics by no means is the list I gave you above comprehensive there's probably dozens more that I haven't talked about that I haven't experienced that I haven't even researched yet that I might in the future and you might to also I recommend you go on Amazon and read reviews for all these various substances read people's stories it can be very inspiring you can be encouraging it can be illuminating people share all sorts of interesting ideas within those Amazon reviews now a word about the cost of this how much is all this gonna cost you well I would be prepared to invest $500 at least into researching nootropics that would allow you to buy maybe fifteen or twenty different bottles and then you can try those out is it worth it you might say leo five hundred dollars on the all these stupid supplements what if it's just a scam what if it doesn't do anything for me hey look I mean of course it depends on your budget for some people hundred dollars is a lot for me it's nothing compared to the long-term potential value that I could get from doing this research the way that I think of it is like well I can buy this bottle for thirty bucks maybe it does absolutely nothing I lost thirty bucks okay not a big problem but maybe it really helps me maybe it improves my work performance maybe it allows me to meditate better maybe it allows me to loose a dream maybe it allows me to you know self inquire deeper or it helps me with my chronic fatigue or something and then if I find that one supplement that works for me I can use that and rely on that for the rest of my life thirty or forty years and so that's certainly worth for me the risk of losing thirty dollars but again you know I don't know where you are or at if you're short on money then probably researching nootropics is not the highest priority for you we have bigger fish to fry which is why you do want to become financially independent get your money situation in order so that you have a little bit of an extra disposable income that you can use for all these kinds of little experiments that we do and that's what makes this whole journey fun is that you do get to try new stuff out that makes your life exciting all right now let me give you a long list of warnings about potential red flags here do not or rather I should say these nootropics are not a replacement for poor diet make sure you fix your diet these nootropics are not a replacement for poor lifestyle make sure you are living a healthy lifestyle and you're improving that every year these are not a replacement for sleep make sure you're getting your 8 hours of sleep every day these are not a tool for workaholism if you're a workaholic and you work 80 hours a week and you're pushing yourself and cramming all the time and and and doing all this is unsustainable this is unhealthy poor lifestyle you've got to fix that no amount of nootropics is going to to help you there in the short term it might seem like they will but in the long term you're gonna burn out and you're gonna face a health crisis so watch out also I don't recommend using nootropics for cramming in college and in school I think you need to develop a high quality study habits if you're gonna be going to to law school medical school or you just want to a some exam or something like that don't just think that you gonna pop a moat of phenol and then the night before you're gonna learn everything that you need to learn it doesn't work like that and that's not healthy or sustainable anyways this is not a replacement for personal development of course so if you're taking nootropics and if they help you great but you're still gonna be doing personal development this is not a replacement for shadow work especially if you have depression anxiety these deeper seeded psychological issues that requires shadow work these supplements are not going to help you to overcome some trauma you had in the past or to you know overcome some deep-seated anger issue that you have or bitterness towards the world or mother father issues I know all the sorts of stuff the stuff that you repress in your subconscious mind that requires real work this is also not a replacement for spiritual practice so if you think that you can just build a nootropic stack and maybe use our modafinil and now you don't have to meditate or do yoga anymore well you've completely misunderstood the point of what I'm talking about here what I'm talking about here is actually using these substances to get you deeper into your spiritual practice to make you more motivated to do your spiritual practice when I pop an r modafinil that makes me more motivated to do yoga more motivated to self inquire not less make sure you get annual blood work just in case to monitor your liver function your kidneys your your blood nutrients and vitamin levels and all of this just to make sure that you're within the safety zones on all the different ranges and nothing is getting out of whack that's pretty much it I will though post a link on my blog with a good nootropics forum that I like and if you want to delve into this topic deeply you can go to that forum and check out different people stacks and so forth so that will be available on my blog after this episode is released so go and look for that and speaking of forums actualize that already is also available and of course since I now have introduced this topic of nootropics I expect that people will be interested in it and there'll be a lot more talk about it on my forum and I hope that just like people do trip reports on the forum they will also write their reports and experiences with various nootropics that they use and the different stacks that they develop and so on the actualized forum I hope that we will actually get a maybe a little section going about nootropics over the years and in a few years hopefully we'll have a lot of different kinds of reviews of different supplements and all the sorts of stuff and sort of the hive mind will come and work on this problem and people will introduce new types of nootropics new types of stacks and so that will be interesting so if you're really interested in then you can come participate on the forum and be a part of that okay that's it I'm done here please click that like button for me and come check out actualize that org that's where you'll find my blog the forum my book list the life purpose course and the last thing that I'll say is that if you make the commitment to this entire journey of self-actualization and you stay with me and you watch every episode every week that I release you will experience new facets of reality that I will introduce you to that you had no idea existed before for example I'm sure that for many of you you didn't know what nootropics were or that was even a thing or how it could possibly help you or even if you didn't know about it it was just maybe you knew the word but you didn't really know what it could really do for you or how to go about extracting his full benefits so one of the most important things that I offer you to those people who stick around and follow my content on a regular basis is that as you watch every episode even if you don't think the episode is gonna help you immediately with some burning problem that you have keep watching it because inevitably I'm gonna introduce you to more and more facets of personal development that you never knew existed and if you stick with me for two or three years in that time I will introduce to you at least one or two facets that will revolutionize your whole life the trick is that you don't know which facet it will be hell I might not even know because I'm always researching and finding new stuff and the thing that I'll present to you two years from that will that will change your whole life I don't even know about it yet I might just discover it one year from now you see that's always really been the case I'm always researching stuff I'm always keeping it fresh it's not just gonna be a rehash of non-duality material over and over and over again of course we still have a lot of non-duality some to talk about but I will be introducing new facets new subdomains of personal development very foundational stuff stuff about your health stuff about relationships stuff about how to improve your personality how to be more charismatic so like all this stuff is gonna be there and it's all coming and what you want to do most importantly is you want to make a commitment to the exploration process become an explorer become an experimenter it's only by taking on that attitude that you get to discover amazing things for example if I didn't take on that attitude I would have never discovered yoga I would have never discovered five Meo DMT I would have never discovered brain training I would have never discovered like so many things and even right now I have a list in my mind of stuff that I haven't even shared with you yet new facets and new techniques and new substances that you've never heard about anywhere almost anywhere that will be amazing and life transforming for some of you not for everybody but for some of you cuz you know different ones of unique different things at different times in your life for your development for example I still have yet to share with you uh an even more powerful is like a dog that I found than five amigo DMT nobody knows about it virtually nobody knows about it not even online not even a psychedelic communities do they know about it and yet I discovered it and I'll share that with you in the future and I'll share a lot more but what you have to be a little careful with here is um be careful not to judge my videos just by the titles alone I often don't create the sexiest video titles I don't try to clickbait you and I don't try to release content that's appealing to a mass audience so what that means is that sometimes I released a little bit kind of an esoteric video with sort of a weird title and you're not sure what this title will do for you you might think like oh this title this is not gonna help improve my life but if you actually watch it it will completely change your whole life right so you have to be a little bit careful about judging books by their cover here because the truth is that you just don't know what really will change your life and what won't a lot of the stuff you think you need that will change your life completely actually is all [ __ ] whereas the stuff you don't even know exists yet that's the stuff that you really need and where are you gonna hear about it are you gonna hear about it on TV are you gonna hear about it on Facebook are you here gonna hear about your friends talking about this are you gonna hear it from your co-workers from your University professor from your mom from your dad [ __ ] no I've already talked about this problem in my episode called the deep problem of marketing that's actually a very important episode that many people didn't watch because they think that marketing is not important it's extremely important because how else are you getting your information the only things you know about he understands the only things you know in your life have come into your awareness predominantly through marketing if it isn't marketed in your culture you [ __ ] don't know about it let that sink into your skull how significant that is all of your ideas about what's possible and what's impossible in life about how good life can be about spirituality but personal all of these ideas you have they are all utterly grounded in the center of gravity of your culture and the marketing of the culture that you live in and what's the center of gravity of our culture well in America in most first world countries it's spotlight hammock stage orange which is a pretty low level of development and of consciousness and the kind of [ __ ] that gets marketed is mostly junk food sex get-rich-quick schemes and all sorts of nonsense you are never gonna see a video or an advertisement I guess on CNN or some cable news channel or on Facebook about 5mu TMT or about yoga Kriya yoga or about you know the benefits of meditation well actually on YouTube I'm sure that you probably do see some of those as there tend if they tend to be hyper targeted so maybe you do see some yogi preaching some some yoga system to you these days but but by and large you know the stuff that gets advertised and shown to you is um is neurotic dysfunctional and unhealthy so you don't even know the things you want or need to ultimately create the kind of amazing life that you can have you don't even know what an amazing life is what it what it really looks like because you don't see it on TV you don't see it in the news all you mostly see there is dysfunction dysfunction your friends dysfunction your family dysfunction everywhere so what actualize that org is for you it is like a high consciousness news channel if you will you get news here that you're not gonna get anywhere else news from various kinds of research and new techniques and new resources check out my blog for example I post a lot of interesting documentaries kind of niche esoteric stuff that you generally wouldn't run into if you're just sucking on the tit of mainstream culture so for that reason and more you want to stick around you